In Kherson and the Kherson region, pleasant autumn weather is expected with moderate temperatures, variable cloudiness, and no precipitation.
Sunrise and Sunset Times:
- Sunrise: 7:23 🌅
- Sunset: 17:42 🌇
- Day Length: 10 hours 19 minutes ⏳
Air Temperature:
- At Night: from +7° to +9° 🌡️
- During the Day: from +13° to +15° 🌞
Cloudiness: Variable cloudiness ☁️🌤️
Precipitation: No precipitation 🚫🌧️
Wind: Northern, speed 3-8 m/s 🌬️
Humidity: 71% 💧
Atmospheric Pressure: 765 mm Hg 📈
Kherson Region:
Air Temperature:
- At Night: from +6° to +8° 🌡️
- During the Day: from +12° to +14° 🌞
Cloudiness: Variable cloudiness ☁️🌤️
Precipitation: No precipitation 🚫🌧️
Wind: Northern, speed 4-9 m/s 🌬️
Humidity: 72% 💧
Atmospheric Pressure: 764 mm Hg 📈
Enjoy the beautiful autumn weather! 🍂