Kherson and Kherson Region are expected to have cool autumn weather with partly cloudy skies, comfortable temperatures, and no precipitation.
Sunrise and Sunset Times:
- Sunrise: 7:22 AM
- Sunset: 5:44 PM
- Day Length: 10 hours 22 minutes
- Air Temperature:
- Night: from +5° to +7°
- Day: from +13° to +15°
- Cloudiness: Partly cloudy
- Precipitation: No precipitation
- Wind: Northwest, speed 4-9 m/s
- Humidity: 73%
- Atmospheric Pressure: 767 mm Hg
Kherson Region:
- Air Temperature:
- Night: from +6° to +4°
- Day: from +12° to +14°
- Cloudiness: Partly cloudy
- Precipitation: No precipitation
- Wind: Northwest, speed 5-10 m/s
- Humidity: 75%
- Atmospheric Pressure: 768 mm Hg
Enjoy the autumn day!