Cool weather with light precipitation at night is expected in Kherson and Kherson region.
Sunrise and sunset times:
- Sunrise: 6:54
- Sunset: 16:14
- Length of day: 9 hours 20 minutes
Air temperature:
- At night: from +1° to +3°
- Daytime: from +5° to +7°
Cloudiness: Partly cloudy.
Precipitation: Light rain and sleet.
Wind: Wind speed 4-9 m/s.
Air humidity: 87%
Atmospheric pressure: 760 mm Hg.
Kherson region:
Air temperature:
- At night: from +0° to +2°
- Daytime: from +4° to +6°
Cloudiness: Partly cloudy.
Precipitation: Light rain and sleet.
Wind: Wind speed 5-10 m/s.
Air humidity: 85%
Atmospheric pressure: 760 mm Hg.
When going outside during the day, don’t forget to take an umbrella to protect yourself from precipitation.