Overview of Services for Identifying a Bank by Card Number

UA RU There are several tools and services that allow you to identify a bank by the card number. Each of them has its own features, advantages, and limitations. Let’s take a look at the most popular ones. Free Services Paid Services What is a BIN code and why is it necessary to determine the … Читать далее

What is a BIN code and why is it necessary to determine the bank by the card number

UA RU What is a BIN code? BIN (Bank Identification Number) is the first 6 digits of a bank card, which allow you to determine the issuing bank, payment system (Visa, MasterCard, etc.), country of issue, and card type (debit, credit, virtual, etc.). This data is important when making online payments and verifying financial transactions. … Читать далее

Що таке BIN-код і навіщо визначати банк за номером картки

RU EN Що таке BIN-код? BIN (Bank Identification Number) – це перші 6 цифр банківської картки, які дозволяють визначити банк-емітент, платіжну систему (Visa, MasterCard та інші), країну випуску, а також тип картки (дебетова, кредитна, віртуальна тощо). Ці дані важливі під час здійснення онлайн-платежів та перевірки фінансових операцій. Навіщо потрібно визначати банк за номером картки? Як … Читать далее

The procedure for opening and closing accounts for users of payment services has been updated: what has changed

UA RU The National Bank of Ukraine has updated the procedure for opening and closing user accounts by payment service providers. Key changes include: These updates, effective from November 21, 2024, aim to streamline financial transactions and improve access to banking services. For more details, you can read the official update on the National Bank’s … Читать далее

Monobank has introduced a new tracking feature: what’s added

UA RU In the Mono application, you can now easily track which devices payments are made from. Users can see a list of devices connected to Apple Pay or Google Pay, including their activation dates. Such a feature will be especially useful for those who give access to their payment cards to other people, such … Читать далее