Experts spoke about latest legislative changes regulating import of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Експерти розповіли про останні законодавчі зміни щодо ввезення гуманітарної допомоги до України

Эксперты рассказали о последних законодательных изменениях, регламентирующих ввоз гуманитарной помощи в Украину

The Club of Experts YouTube channel has released a new video dedicated to the prospects for the development of the volunteer movement in Ukraine after the start of the war and solving the main problems that our citizens may face when bringing humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

According to Maxim Urakin, the founder of the Club of Experts, the humanitarian situation that arose in Ukraine after the outbreak of hostilities forced tens of thousands of people to volunteer.

“At the same time, many people faced with the incomprehensibility of the processes of crossing the border and importing certain goods into the country,” the expert emphasized.

In his commentary, the head of the International Technology Transfer Association (ITTA), Artem Goncharenko, noted that when organizing volunteer assistance, one should understand what needs the recipients of volunteer assistance have. At the same time, in his opinion, individual and general requests of both military and ordinary citizens should be distributed.

“It is important to understand that we cannot offer a single universal solution. Need a personal approach (…). At the same time, different volunteer organizations should unite to improve the coordination of work,” he said.

In turn, Evgenia Litvinova, Chair of the Ukrainian Exporters’ Club, analyzed the latest legislative changes that have greatly simplified the delivery of international humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

In their presentation, the experts provided a detailed explanation on the following problematic issues:

– Who has the right to bring humanitarian aid to Ukraine?

— On the basis of what documents can humanitarian aid be imported?

– What changes have been introduced when filling out customs declarations?

– What shipping documents do you need to have when crossing the border?

For more details, see the video on the YouTube channel «Expert Club» at the link:

Теги: Expert Club, Litvinova, Goncharenko, Urakin

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