The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 1285 dated November 8, 2024, which amends the conditions for providing housing subsidies and benefits. Here are the main things you need to know:
- Subsidies and benefits for electricity during martial law
Even if the service of supply and distribution of electricity is temporarily not provided, the amount of subsidies and benefits continues to be calculated according to established social standards. - Subsidies for generators, solar panels and windmills
Households that buy or borrow equipment for generating electricity from the sun or wind can claim a subsidy if the one-time payment for this equipment does not exceed UAH 150,000. - The permissible size of large purchases has been increased
Now, if a household member made a purchase worth up to UAH 100,000 (previously up to UAH 50,000) during the year, this will not prevent them from receiving a subsidy.
These changes are aimed at supporting citizens in times of war and making energy efficient solutions more affordable.
You can learn more about the resolution at the link https://www.kmu.gov.ua/npas/pro-vnesennia-do-deiakykh-postanov-kabinetu-ministriv-ukrainy-zmin-shchodo-osoblyvostei-vrakhuvannia-t81124