Currently, the number of operating PrivatBank branches in the city of Kherson may be limited and the work schedule may change.
Opening hours of PrivatBank branch in Kherson in the area of 3 bayonets
Opening hours and schedule:
Monday — Friday: 8:30 — 15:00
Saturday and Sunday: closed
There is an ATM near the branch.
How to find check or find working branches of PrivatBank in Kherson
The location of working branches may change. To find out information about the nearest open branches, it is recommended to:
- Check the current data on the official website of PrivatBank.
- Use the PrivatBank mobile application to obtain information about the work of branches.
- Call the bank’s contact center for information.
Online services
In conditions of limited access to branches, it is recommended to use PrivatBank’s online services, available around the clock:
- Internet banking (Privat24)
- PrivatBank mobile application
- Contact center: 3700
Up-to-date information on branch opening hours and online services will help you use banking services effectively. For more detailed information and clarifications, please contact the PrivatBank contact center or check the updates on the official website.